The latest update is now available online!
There are a variety of updates to the system that have been added since our Beta launch a few weeks ago.
BetScore on the Odds Dashboard
There is now an option in your Account menu that allows the user to have the BetScore show up in their Odds Dashboard.
This option will default to unchecked, but at any time the user can now add this.
Date Filter on Picks Page
There were a few complaints about this one so we made sure to fix it in this iteration.
Users can now select date filters on the Picks page so they aren't accidently betting games that are at a future date.
Dashboard Scrolling on Sport Change
Users with a lot of sports books in their profile will occasionally have to scroll to see odds at different sports books on their Odds Dashboard. Previously, changing the sport would reset the dashboard back to the original set of sports books. Now, the user can swap through different sports without anything resetting.